Heritage Landscapes vol.23
Between architecture, design, fashion, food, technology. With no limit to our curiosity.
1. Main Theme
The site brings together photographic funds (including the oldest in the collection of the Musée du Bas-Saint-Laurent) from local collectors and donors, precisely for the purpose of being disseminated. The goal is to make this great ethnological heritage available, allowing people to literally peek, study and observe the past of an entire community. We move among photographs of families, people posing, children and nuns smiling, empty school desks frozen in time, little girls dressed as brides, or a photo of M. Alphonse Dubé stopped in 1915.
2. Avvistamenti. Traces of projects to keep an eye on
3. Memory Lane. Things that happen, and we want to remember
Linkiesta and Nostalgia
We recounted this through some of the archives we collaborate with: the Laguna~B Archive, the Michele De Lucchi & AMDL CIRCLE Archive, the Fondazione Fiera Milano Historical Archive, the Flavia Madaschi Cassero LGBTQIA+ Center Documentation Center Archive, and the Centro Studi Fondazione del Teatro Stabile di Torino Archive. The piece was authored by Andrea Montorio, CEO of Promemoria Group, and is titled The Meaning of an Archive.
It has been quite a journey to tell the story of how we see the world, the past, nostalgia and archives. We are sure that you, too, will enjoy reading it.